03 February 2010

o54. Let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich.

Chinese New Year is around the corner (what corner? D:) and last week we had an annual CNY dinner with a few family friends. What's CNY dinner without steamboat & yeesang? Haha :)

Dad prepared the yeesang and he added salmon, guava and made "special and one-of-a-kind" (so he says) wasabi sauce in it ohmaagaaaad it was awesomeeeee :D Haha such a brilliant idea, no? It tasted like heaven, no joke. My dad is such a genius haha! It was my second time having yeesang. The first time was with WeiSern and his family during a CNY Vietnamese cuisine lunch last year :)

The whites that night!
XiaoWen, Dad, Myself & Auntie Sue.
This is Daddy/ Dad/ Poppy/ Poppies/ Popsicles :D

My family (without PeiWen & NiWen)

We got bored because there were sooo many adults haha. Read Auntie Margaret's compilation of her life photos. It was sweet :)

This photo cracks me up :P
Auntie Margaret's Mom. Lol.
You don't have to be 25 to ride a Harley! :P

Check out all the things XiaoWen's phone's cam can do :D

A picnik-ish collage! :)
If you've read long enough, you'd know that I loooove collages so I think this is pretty rad 8-)

This is actually my head and XiaoWen's body :P HAHAHA.
Don't worry if you didn't notice, my friends didn't either :P

Okay this is just me getting excited.
"Look, you can see yourself taking a picture for me!"

Dad & Mom.
Excuse my Dad's position, he's a big poser :P

Yay to happy people! :)

Sorry for not having any pictures of the food! They're all in Uncle Eddie's SLR :(
But the food was heavenly and gooossshh I'm gonna get the pictures ASAP!

Have a nice Wednesday everyone! It's 10:24am, I need to go get ready for lunch with Jan later!
Be happy today, because -
Haha okay, boys too :P Happy boys are the prettiest HAHAHA.
Till next time, lovelies!

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